Reading List
Reading is one of my great joys and my formost non-athletic hobby. From blogs to books, I am always looking for things to read about, learn from, or be entertained. As a Developer I feel that it is important to read a variety of things other than code. By reading different mediums and generes, a Developer can gain new skills, expand mindsets and horizons and develop empathy. Below is a list of written or digitally written things I have found useful in my life so far:
- The Mythical Man Month | Fred Brooks
- The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master | Andy Hunt & Dave Thomas
- How To Solve It | George Poleya
- Code | Charles Petzold
- The Code Book | Simon Singh
- The Design of Everyday Things | Don Norman
- Eloquent JavaScript | Marijn Haverbeke
- JavaScript: The Good Parts | Douglas Crockford
- The Unicorn Project | Gene Kim
- The Phoenix Project | Gene Kim, George Spafford, and Kevin Beh
- Coding Horror | Jeff Atwood
- The Data Farm | Julie Lerman
- Schneier On Security | Bruce Schneier
- Scott Hanselman
- Shawn Wildermouth
- Troy Hunt
- Iris Classon
- John Skeet
- John Papa
- Rob Conery
- Two Bit History | Sinclair Target
- Nick Craver
- Krebs On Security